
Zdaj že tradicionalni seminar, ki je do sedaj gostil udeležence iz 14 držav (Avstrije, Francije, Hrvaške, Italije, Indije, Kanade, Kitajske, Nemčije, Poljske, Rusije, Slovaške, Slovenije, Srbije in Tajvana), nas bo tudi letos v sproščenem duhu na prijeten, pa vendar strokovno kvaliteten način pospremil v jesen in nakazal nove smernice za raziskovanje v novem šolskem letu.

Udeleženci naših seminarjev so tako sinologi, študenti sinologije, ljubiteljski raziskovalci, kot tudi nesinologi, strokovnjaki različnih področij.
Prav različen, širok profil predavateljev zagotavlja interdisciplinaren pristop k razpisani temi in s tem svež pogled na obravnavano problematiko.

It all started many years ago when some of the enthusiastic sinology students from University of Ljubljana discovered that their research themes are frequent conversation topics among them and decided to share their newl found knowledge in a more constructive way. From the beginning, International Sinology Symposium was mainly a gathering between friends who shared common interests in China and Chinese culture and were looking for fresh and sometime even unorthodox views on China’s many different faces. Presenters came from many countries and also from various fields of interest, so we had opportunities to listen to presentaions on many topics we otherwise might not have had the opportunity. The main goal of our gathering which is still present through all these years is to try and understand sinology from an interdisciplinary point of view as well as addressing phenomena in contemporary China. The informal discussions following each presentaion were always passionate and lead to new ideas, cooperations and long term friendships. This is why our friends keep coming back every year and present their new findings.

The participants of symposium are sinologists, students of sinology, researchers as well as experts from other fields. The diversified and wide profile of the lecturers assures an interdisciplinary approach to the given topic and a fresh approach to the chosen theme.

The atmosphere is relaxed and at the same time highly professional, focusing on the field of sinology and featuring host lecturers and participants from all around the world. This already traditional symposium has so far hosted participants from 14 different countries including Austria, Croatia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Taiwan.

This symposium is organized every year at a different tourist location in Slovenia.